Detailed event view

We’re using Social Layer as our collaborative calendar. Once you’re signed in, you can view the detailed event schedule, RSVP/check in to an event, and create a new event.

For instructions on how to sign in, read this blog post: How to use the collaborative calendar

Calendar summary

Each week is starting to coalesce around a few particular themes, so to help you get a sense of when you might be most excited to come, here’s a high-level view of the topics that will be most prominent each week.

Week 1: June 2 - 9 · Health, Climate, & Hard Tech

Beyond the specific topic tracks listed above, the first week will focus on community connection moments such as the Opening Ceremony, setting the stage for the month to come.

Week 2: June 10 - 16 · Neurotech, BioTech, Mixed Reality, AI, & Longevity

Our friends at Protocol Labs and Foresight Institute will lead programming on a variety of frontier tech topics. We’ll also end the week with the start of the Healdsburg Jazz Festival.

Week 3: June 17 - 23 · New Governance, Institutions, Cities of Tomorrow, Culture, & Adventure Weekend

The third week will focus on the future of institutions, culture, and cities, and how we might change these systems for the better.

Week 4: June 24 - 30 · Real-World Crypto, Cryptography Research, Zero Knowledge, & Protocols

We’ll end the month with an exploration of cutting edge cryptography with the world’s leading academics, while exploring the real-world applications of crypto and zero-knowledge more broadly. We’ll host a closing ceremony and celebration to wrap up the month!